Scented wax mould


High-quality transparent moulds for waxes and fragrance tabs that can be used as product packaging.

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Scented wax mould

Scented wax mould made of robust, durable PET plastic.

It is a material that is 100% recyclable.

Warianty form for fragrance waxes

Several variants of scented wax moulds are available in the shop:

  • without pattern for 8 waxes - (dimensions 16.0 cm x 12.5 cm height 2.0 cm, total weight of wax approx. 180g, dimensions of single field 5.0 x 2.8 cm, height 1.3 cm, weight of wax in single field approx. 22.5 g).

Mould for fragrance tabs and waxes in transparent plastic, which can be used as finished product packaging


  • wzór wielkanocny na 8 wosków – (wym. 15,0 cm x 14,0 cm wysokość 1,9 cm, waga całkowita wosku ok.180g , wym. pojedynczego pola 5,3cmx 3,2cm, wysokość 1,3 cm, waga wosku w pojedynczym polu ok. 22,5 g)

Mould for fragrance tabs and waxes in transparent plastic, which can be used as finished product packaging

  • serca na 16 wosków- (wym. 16,0 cm x 14,5 cm wysokość 2,0 cm, waga całkowita wosku ok.200g , wym. pojedynczego pola 3,0 x 1,5cm, wysokość 1,5 cm, waga wosku w pojedynczym polu ok. 12,5 g)

Mould for fragrance tabs and waxes in transparent plastic, which can be used as finished product packaging

Application forms for fragrance waxes

  1. Prepare a mixture of wax, oils and possibly dyes according to your own recipe.
  2. Cool the mixture to 55 °C ,
  3. Fill the cavities in the mould with wax. Allow to cool completely before closing the lid.

The mould can be used as a ready-made packaging with your wax fragrance tabs - just stick stickers with your logo and the fragrance of your products on it!

Dear Customer

Take advantage of our range of semi-finished products for the creation of waxes and fragrance tabs:

You will find with us:

We encourage you to take advantage of our shop's offer, the biggest benefit is that if you use our products you can order from us the Safety Data Sheets and CLP labels required before most fragrance products can be placed on the market.

You can read about these important issues here:

We look forward to working with you:)


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